T-shirt Designs
Check out some of my t-shirt designs in this pdf, pass it onto people you know who needs custom t-shirt and garment design.
Check out some of my t-shirt designs in this pdf, pass it onto people you know who needs custom t-shirt and garment design.
Are you a member of an extreme sport?
Do you participate in extreme sports, like Motor Sport Racing , Motor Cross , Grad Prix, Paintball , competitive shooting, online gaming , Surfing , Skateboarding , Adventure running , marathon running , cycling , mountain biking, downhill racing etc, etc.
Want to get some custom shirts for your team or for yourself?
Please contact us for Custom extreme sports clothing, from t-shirts to hoodies , caps All over shirts, short sleeve, long sleeve.
Get a Custom Design and custom clothing printed for your sports team or for you as an individual..
[easy_contact_forms fid=1]
Here is some of our recent Gamer Shirt Design. You will see these gamers and teams at RAGE EXPO 2014, 10 oct in a couple days time…
We are the Leading T-shirt Design & T-shirt Printing Business When it comes to Custom T-shirts and All over printing in South Africa.
Clans looking for custom shirts for their gaming crew, must contact us for the ultimate cool tshirt designs and high quality printing.
Here is 2 Awesome tshirt designs we did for RAGE 2014 Clan Shirts.
Custom Gamer Tshirt Design & Printing Experts: Contact Guy Tasker for Exceptional Service.
The only thing about doing this type of Shirts, is it takes long, be prepared to wait up to a month to get custom tshirts done…
who is tshirt printers? People call us TSHIRTPRINTING.co.za the ultimate COOL shirt printing, online based company.
We work over email and phone, we don’t have a walk in office and have tons of customers from around the world even !
Local customers, We can assist with any custom tshirt printing job, but please give us time to deliver, we hate it when people come to us and ask for tshirt printers who can deliver in a couple days !
You can’t rush a quality design or printing service.
in general if you want an awesome design be prepared to wait 1-2weeks, sometimes a design can extend into a month project, depending on the complexity and the urgency.
For example this cool shirt design below actually took me ( Guy Tasker) over a month to deliver, my client is from Australia and is in no rush or jumping down my throat , expecting a awesome design to be delivered in a couple days, he gives me time and because of this, i can work my own hours and put a lot of effort into the creation !
This design turned out amazing..
He requested i design something similar to the attached image,
which is cool.
In General, give me a base idea and i can improve on it and make it my own..
The final design, just finished yesterday 17 of September 2014
Contact Thomas at ppmracing.com to purchase this tshirt…..
or give me a clean slate to design what i want !
“Where to find cool tshirt printers in south africa“,
We are an online based printing company.
So you need to find us online... contact us by email and we will respond asap, but please be descriptive with your request, we can’t guess how many shirts you want or the colour of the shirts you want or how many of each colour and each size.
We can’t guess what you want printed, send it to..
+ if you can not supply print ready artwork, we can’t just print stuff off the web, we will need to charge you a design setup fee.
in actual fact, just come straight to us for design work from the start and you will never have to worry about the word “Print Ready”
We like to think we are the BEST tshirt printers in south africa and we like to say we are the best when it comes to quality service.
Seriously, there is tons of tshirt printers out there who don’t care !
They will take your artwork, print it even if it is not good quality and then blame you , this is not what we do, We WILL tell you, Hey this artwork is not a great quality , can we re-design it for you or give you a fresh design…
We will recommend the best print method and not just take on work for a quick buck, you work with us because you want great service, excellent quality and you are not a cheapy, hunting for cheap tshirt printers..
There is lots of cheap tshirt printers out there who offer crap service !
beware of cheap prices as you get cheap tshirts and like we say, you pay for what you get !
Our shirts will last more than 5 years if treated well…
We like to source the best quality tshirts on the market and strive to offer only the best service and advice for tshirt printers..
You deal with one person, not a chain of people who get things mixed up and by doing this, you know your project is in great hands.
We do most of the printing ourselves and are pure perfectionist, each garment is checked and presented with the best care….
so if we have not convinced you yet to use us for your next tshirt printing project, please email us now and see how we work 🙂
All the best from the creator of tshirtprinting.co.za Guy Tasker, contact me now !
Here at tshirtprinting.co.za we do Custom Shirt Printing, Custom Shirt Design and All over shirt printing.
Here is some recent samples of our Custom Shirt Printing.
The Design of custom shirts is done by Guy Tasker, please contact me via my site for the Coolest custom shirt designs Ever !